Why we are addressing a growing health challenge.
Diabetes is one of the top health issues facing the world today.
422 million people suffer from diabetes worldwide (8.5% of the world population) of which an estimated 29 million are in the US. Of the three types of diabetes (Type 1, Type 2, and gestational), Type 2 accounts for over 90% of the total cases of diabetes. The increased prevalence of diabetes and obesity (a risk factor for Type 2 diabetes) has increased dramatically from 1994 to 2014 and is expected to grow. There are 86 million Americans with pre-diabetes (1/3rd of the population) of which 15% to 30% will develop type 2 diabetes in five years.

Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the US and accounts for significant morbidity.
People with diabetes are at risk for health complications including blindness, kidney failure, increased risk of heart attacks (1.8 times higher, death 1.7 times higher), strokes (hospitalization 1.5 times higher), and non-traumatic lower limb amputations. In addition to the human costs, there are economic ones as well.
Diabetes is associated with significant economic costs.
The total medical costs and lost work and wages for people diagnosed with diabetes is $245 billion according to the American Diabetes Association. Of these costs $176 billion were direct costs associated with diabetes care, chronic complications and excess general medical costs. In fact, people diagnosed with diabetes had average medical expenditures 2.3 times higher than those without diabetes. It has been estimated that the lifetime additional healthcare cost of one patient with diabetes is between $55,000 and $130,000. It is clear that diabetes has a significant impact on an individual’s health and our healthcare costs.

Tight glycemic control is associated with better outcomes.
According to the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial, improving blood glucose control lowers the risk of developing diabetes-related complications by up to 50%. For Type 2 diabetic patients not using insulin, patients who self-monitor their blood glucose have been shown to have improved HBA1c levels in the short and long term according to a 2016 meta analysis by Dr. Zhu in the BMJ.

Alertgy hopes to provide a different way to manage blood glucose management through advanced sensor technologies which is under development
Patients with diabetes will be able to measure their blood glucose levels anywhere at anytime from their phone when wearing the band. Trending blood glucose levels will allow the patient to see if their values are increasing or decreasing. Moreover, they can learn how their meals and exercise effects their blood sugar.
Alertgy is developing products to address the real issues that diabetic patients face on a daily basis.
The number one reason given by patients for not monitoring their blood glucose level is the finger stick. The Alertgy GM addresses this major barrier. But it does much more; for patients the Alertgy GM is:
- Lancet free and pain free
- Convenient and discreet.
- Cost-effective
No supplies and strips to pay for, just the device. - Enabling health
Allows patients to track how they are doing with their blood sugar.
The patient will be better able to understand their patterns and use that information to better control their blood sugar.
Patients can share this data with their healthcare provider. - Safe and giving loved ones a peace of mind
Alerts the patient, their loved one, or potentially their healthcare provider if their blood sugar drops too low or goes too high.